Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Be Glad You Are Not Kristin

Kristin sits next to me at work.  All other areas of Kristin's life are quite extraordinary.  But right now poor Kristin is required to be the #1 reader of this blog.  I post and then demand to be read.  She's a good sport most of the time, but lately she's been a little slow getting to my posts.

I am finding it hard to forgive her for not dropping everything and reading my entries.  Like yesterday, when she took the better part of 3 minutes to get to my blog.  Apparently, reading about heart disease and someone who needed our help was more important.

So, if you'd like to apply for the position of #1 blog reader, let me know and then give me your contact information where you can be reached immediately.  I know Kristin would appreciate it.

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